
Learning About The Benefits Of Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses

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Learning About The Benefits Of Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses

Hello, my name is Curtis. I am here to talk to you about glasses and contact lenses. Obtaining my first pair of glasses was life changing in so many ways. In some ways, I struggled to fit in with my peers, as many did not wear prescription lenses. In others, I was able to improve my school performance and participate in my favorite hobbies once again. I switched to contacts later in life and experienced even more improvements. I hope you can use the information on my site to embrace your need for prescription contact lenses and eyeglasses. Thank you.

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This Is Why You Need To Use Your Eyedrops On-Time After Cataract Surgery

Getting cataract surgery is a simple enough process these days, as it can typically be accomplished as an outpatient surgery. However, it's up to you as the patient to make sure that you're taking good care of your eyes after the surgery, or things could go wrong. Here's why you need to make sure you're taking your prescriptions around the clock as directed by your eye doctor.


One of the things your eye doctor will likely prescribe is an eyedrop steroid. This steroid is designed to reduce inflammation in the eye and help to improve the healing process.

Skipping this medication or missing your treatment is a very bad idea. It can allow inflammation to increase in the eye, which can slow or disrupt the healing process. It can also put you in more discomfort.

Pain Relief

Another thing you don't want to skip is your pain reliever. This will also likely be an eyedrop, though it may be an oral medication in some cases.

Pain relief may seem like it's unnecessary after the first few days after your surgery, but you have to remember that your eye has undergone a traumatic event. You may think you don't need the medication anymore because your medication has done a good job of keeping pain at bay. However, skipping or being late with your dose can allow that pain to come back. And you can't double up on doses, so you could be in discomfort for a while until you're back on track.


Lastly, the antibiotics you'll be given are extremely important. This medication helps to kill bacteria that can potentially cause infections in the eye. While you don't want an infection at all, infections of the eye are particularly dangerous because they could cause scar tissue to form. Scar tissue could result in partial blindness or vision impairment.

Your eye doctor will give or has given you a series of prescriptions that are intended to help your eyes to heal quickly and efficiently. If you miss a dose, make sure to take it as soon as you remember that you've forgotten it. Then, continue on a normal schedule from that point forward. If you've missed multiple doses, contact your eye doctor immediately for advice on what to do. They may want to see you for an examination to ensure that your eyes are still healthy and healing the way that they should.

For more information about eye care, contact a company like Battery Park Vision Associates.